The Hunt for the CRT – Part Three

Hi everyone,

Finally I’ve gotten hold of a TV for my Amiga. It’s an old one, but it works like a charm. The brand is Goldstar and it is 14 inch big. It has both an RF- and a composite port. My Amiga 1200 is now hooked up to this TV and I’m satisfied with the quality of the picture. It is of course not as good as it would be on a Commodore 1084, but more than nice enough. πŸ™‚

As an added bonus, we’ve purchased a new table as well. This table now occupies a corner of our bedroom. This is now the official “Amiga-zone” in our flat. πŸ˜‰ It’s great to have an Amiga permanently hooked up and ready to go. No PC nearby either to steal its “thunder”.

Here’s a few pictures of the setup:

My Amiga 1200 setup
Here's my Amiga 1200 hooked up to the Goldstar TV.
My Amiga 1200 setup
My Amiga 1200 setup. Optical mouse on the right, Competition Pro on the left. PCMCIA Compact Flash adapter also on the left with a 512MB card. On top of the machine is a WLAN-card from AmigaKit. At the back of the machine you can spot a Micromys mouse-adapter.
My Amiga 1200 setup
The Flight of the Amazon Queen, a great adventure game. This is the WHD-Load version.

Using a CRT gives me a special retro-feeling, so I’m very happy about this TV. πŸ™‚ The Hunt for the CRT is now officially over and it all ended well.


    • It’s great to see that you’ve still got an Amiga 1200. What kind of tower do you have? Micronik? Power Computing?

      Ahh, that seems like a fine demo from Genesis. I think I’ve seen it way back then, but will have to watch it again now. πŸ˜‰ Have you been active on the Scene btw?


  1. Great stuff! I wonder on what you had to compromise to get that in the bedroom? πŸ™‚ Whatever it is it is worth it. My wife is really pressuring me to get the computer room done so the A1SE can go from her room. She really needs the space for her new ventures.


  2. Nice work on getting that CRT up and running πŸ™‚ Some people think I’m a bit strange with obsessing about running old Commodore computers and console on CRTs, but there’s just something about it that makes it a better experience πŸ™‚


  3. More pictures of the tv please? I got rid of one of these back in the early 2000s and still regret it, I can’t find any pictures that look similar to it except for the tv you posted. what model is it?


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